Sunday 8 May 2011

Subhaan Allah

2nd posting
Subhaan means Praise which is an ellipsis of  I Praise
Therefore   Subhaan Allah   means        I praise Allah
The real meaning is as described in the verse of The Quran that says

Subhaan   Allah                       Ammaa              Yasifoon.
 I praise Allah                         from what          they ascribe

Thus the meaning of  Suhaan Allaah is:-

I celebrate the praise of Allah, far exalted is He above that which they impute
to Him.

Here  Allah means      Ta’aalaa
          Allah                  far exalted above is He

It should be interesting to look at the Christian use of Hallaluya, which is
The same as Subhaan Allah. Praise The Lord.

The old Cape Town Muslims used to translate Subhaan Allah as

Allah is free from imperfections.

Subhaan Allah is often used when people express thoughts of Allah that do not befit Allah. The other who tries to rectify then says Subhaan Allah.
Also, when people express thoughts of the greatness of the creation of Allah so as to admire Allah as The Creator. Then others will respond with Subhaan Allah.

There are many verses in The Quran that uses the word Subhaan in the context of other verses.

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